Est. 2001

Who we are section

PT. Sekar Ayu Sentosa is cosmetic manufacturer company oversees two brand extension Claresta and Biosa. In the early stage (2001), Mr. Karman Gunawan, the founder of CV. Sekar Ayu Sentosa manufactured some cosmetic products such as cleanser, toner, liquid powder, two way cake, lipstick, cologne, and lotion. The demand from the market was significantly increased and by 2008, He expanded the business and founded PT. Sekar Ayu Sentosa. Our company has excellent facilities and qualified for the requirements of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice). All of our products has been tested and registered in National Agency of Drugs and Foods Control (Badan POM) and Halal MUI.

We use the best raw materials combined with our latest technology and modern production processes under the supervision of our experts. We always strive to make the highest quality product. Our commitment is to provide best quality and safe cosmetic products and exceed our customer expectation on every level.


Become a leading cosmetic manufacture company in Asia that be able to produce best quality products and safe to use.


> Manufacture best quality, inovative and safe cosmetic products.

> Manufacture cosmetic products that enhance the look of the costumer with a competitive price.